clojure.test is the official unit test framework for clojure. Here are some notes to complement the official docs.
How to auto run the tests in your project
;; include plugin in your project.clj
:plugins [[lein-auto "0.1.2"]]
lein auto test
;; typical require content for testing
(:require [clojure.test :refer [is testing deftest]])`
(deftest example-test []
(testing "add 2 + 2 = 4"
(is (= (+ 2 2) 4) "checking adding 2 numbers"))
C-c M-j cider-jack-in
C-c C-x cider-refresh
C-c C-k cider-load-buffer
C-c C-t C-p cider-run-project-tests
There are 2 special assertions for Throwables.
throw? and throw-with-msg? are not functions or macros or special forms but just symbols being processed by the is macro. is behave differently base on the first symbol of the list being given.
This may confuse some IDEs that expect this symbols to be functions or macros or special forms.