tryton> basic setup

Getting started with Tryton development.

Minimal setup

This is installing from 0 ‘by hand’. Most consulting companies have some kind of method (via invoke or other) that installs from a series of setup files with install modules, patches etc. As far as I can tell there is no a standard script to do this in the tryton community.

Install trytond (server) and tryton (client) with/without extra modules. Assuming postgres already installed.

Requirements trytond (server)

create a virtual environment and install:

for python3:

  mkvirtualenv -p python3 [name-env]
  pip install Werkzeug
  pip install relatorio
  ;; pip install wsgi
  pip install wrapt
  pip install Genshi
  pip install polib
  pip install python-datautil  [before it was pip install dateutil]
  pip install python-sql
  pip install psycopg2
  pip install lxml
  pip install bcrypt
  ;; for all the modules
  pip install ldap3
  pip install python-stdnum
  pip install simpleeval
  pip install stripe
  ?pip install coda
  pip install febelfin-coda
  pip install zeep
  pip install PyPDF2
  pip install csb43
  pip install ofxparse

requirements tryton (client)

no virtualenv due to gtk library difficult to install/use under virtualenv.

create a folder for your workspace and clone server and client repositoris

with modules via hgnested

hg nclone

minimal install (with core modules)

hg clone

install client

hg clone

or use git/github mirrors

git clone
git clone

setup trytond

create a minimal trytond.conf inside trytond folder to use posgresql (instead of sqllite)


create db postgres and initialize it

createdb minimal-tryton (from trytond)

./bin/trytond-admin -v -c trytond.conf  -d minimal-tryton  -u ir res

Start server and client

start server (from trytond)

./bin/trytond -v -c trytond.conf

start client (from tryton) (from outside the virtual env)


Create a module under /trytond/modules

install the module

./bin/trytond-admin -c trytond.conf -d minimal-tryton -u hello


make the docs (pdf) for trytond and tryton


pip install sphinx
sudo apt-get install latexmk

build pdf:

cd doc
make latex
cd _build/latex
make all-pdf